It was.. boring to watch, but cool ninja :P
sorry.. i had to quit the movie when the anime matrix bitch came in..
I dont really like Madness movies (or anime {Any more!!}), but this one was ok.
It was.. boring to watch, but cool ninja :P
sorry.. i had to quit the movie when the anime matrix bitch came in..
I dont really like Madness movies (or anime {Any more!!}), but this one was ok.
love it.
its awsome :D
cant w8 for next !
omg.. i hate the song.. :(
enjoys the humor :)
:/ :( :\
Its probly a good movie..
just to bad i cant start it, or it just stops when the burned information come..
i tried and tried, even clicked forward, but the it just came some fire..
i tried right click and start.. no effet :S
im sure its good, but get rit of that vista/whateva bug
Click, Click, Click
Its funny aboute it.. Pico (the guy with the orange/brown hair) always get shoten in the arm :S
I like it, some orginal in it..
What you guys mean?
What you guys mean? Pointless? No way! Random, maby..
I think it is pretty poetic.. And funny, And i also think its a litle storyline behind this.
Great work!
1umm, you got daily 2.. not 3th :P nice movie ;)
Amazing, but the sound quallity wasnt to good.. but i dont care :]
Joined on 11/8/07