-that was looooooots of tewwning 8|
Awfull qute and not voilence xP
-that was looooooots of tewwning 8|
Awfull qute and not voilence xP
At the start i trought i was seeing a cock in the midle of her breasts.. hope i just imagine that *-* ( sure not the animation is inspired by loving and not love? lol)
Good animated, but to mutch things at the time (I dont like it that way, but its frame by frame; Cant complain)
Heard bether music but it wasn't to bad xP
Btw; GO Frame-By-Frame
My "Penis in a bottle" mistake.
The ends are SUPPOSED to be curling up on themselves, but it came out as something completely different (We are rather frisky though, so I guess it fits XD )
Glad someone mentioned it XDDD
Good tidings to ye.
Good.. 6/10
You most mute all music in the last frame if not the sound will play over when you play start again; so it will be a awfull mix. I dont remamber the code, but just search on toturials on NG or you know it since you made this movie for a long time ago.
Good movie, but the movements are funny.
Reminds me of "Candy mountain".
It was freaky and funny. but the last part was just strange""
What a happie ending :]
Korea, is nice.
I csan see you like your contry ;}
Who need a ladie to love it? I LOVE IT"!
What.. ? Window > Panel > What?
dont get it sorry
Joined on 11/8/07